Premium DNS
Starting from $2.95/month
DDoS Protected DNS
Starting from $5.95/month
Starting from $9.95/month
Anycast DNS Network: ?
DDoS Protection: ? -
DNS direction by geolocation: ? - -
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks. Start Free 60-day Trial Start Free 60-day Trial Start Free 60-day Trial
Managed DNS

A Managed DNS Provider allows users to manage their DNS traffic by using a web-based control panel. ClouDNS is a Managed DNS provider since 2010. Our mission is to provide the best DNS services on the planet. With 57 Anycast Data Centers on 57 continents, no other DNS hosting provider can compete with ClouDNS in price, performance, and overall ROI.

Anycast DNS

The Unicast protocol is a relic from the past and it doesn't adequately meet client's needs. Anycast DNS is the best choice for DNS. With Anycast DNS you can reach a single destination following many different roads. Instead of having all the traffic go down one route, Anycast DNS utilizes multiple locations that receive queries to the network, but in different geographical locations.

Cloud-based infrastructure

ClouDNS is designed to operate as cloud-based infrastructure service. Our self-developed system for synchronization and data distribution allows our customers to monitor in real time the DNS zones status at each location. Our infrastructure synchronizes your settings simultaneously across all POPs (points of presence), so no additional action is required from your side, once you set up your zones.

DDoS Mitigation

ClouDNS is designed to operate as cloud-based infrastructure service. Our self-developed system for synchronization and data distribution allows our customers to monitor in real time the DNS zones status at each location. Our infrastructure synchronizes your settings simultaneously across all POPs (points of presence), so no additional action is required from your side, once you set up your zones.


We provide one of the most cost effective GeoDNS services on the market with an high enough amount of zones, records, and queries. With our GeoDNS, you can target by United States or Canadian regions, whole countries or continents. Using it you can build highly accurate Geolocation Load Balancing or Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Professional Features and Tools

ClouDNS provides a large number of professional features and tools for Primary, Secondary and Reverse DNS. We support all types of DNS records and settings you need. Additionally, we provide E-mail Forwarding, Web Forwarding, Dynamic DNS, Domain parking, HTTP REST API, DNS statistics, zone sharing and much more.

Uptime Guarantee

ClouDNS is the first DNS provider to guarantee up to 10,000% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA). For every minute of downtime, we will extend your account with a hundred.

Guaranteed lowest prices

We guarantee the lowest prices in the industry. If you find a lower price for identical service, we will instantly amend your agreement with the exact same price. Additionally, our services are fully scalable. You can upgrade your plan whenever you need more resources without waiting for your expiration date.

24/7 Support

No matter what day, no matter when, we provide continuous, uninterrupted network monitoring and support.

Premium DNS
Starting from $2.95/month
DDoS Protected DNS
Starting from $5.95/month
Starting from $9.95/month
Anycast DNS Network: ?
DDoS Protection: ? -
DNS direction by geolocation: ? - -
Domain Parking: ? -
Secondary DNS zones: ? -
Reverse DNS zones: ? -
TTL management per record: ?
SOA domain settings: ?
DNS branding: ?
DNS statistics: ?
Mail forwards: ?
Web redirects: ?
Uptime SLA: ? 100% 1,000% 10,000%
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks. Start Free 60-day Trial Start Free 60-day Trial Start Free 60-day Trial
Premium DNS
Starting from:
  • All free and extended features
  • More zones, records, queries and mail forwards
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 1,000% Uptime SLA
  • Starting from $2.95/month
Start Free 60-day Trial
DDoS Protected DNS
Starting from:
  • All free and extended features
  • More zones, records and mail forwards
  • Unlimited queries per month
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 10,000% Uptime SLA
  • Starting from $5.95/month
Start Free 60-day Trial
Starting from:
  • Cost Effective. No overbilling.
  • Multiple Geolocation target options
  • EDNS-client-subnet support
  • DDoS Protected
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 10,000% Uptime SLA
  • Starting from $9.95/month
Start Free 60-day Trial
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