Parking dominio.

Il servizio di Domain parking serve per ospitare i domini che hai intenzione di vendere o per i quali non è ancora pronto il sito web. Il servizio comprende una serie di template con semplici messaggi pre-impostati, come "in costruzione" o "dominio in vendita". Il servizio è offerto gratuitamente a tutti i nostri clienti. Puoi accedere e provarlo gratuitamente anche subito!

DNS gratuito
Grautito per sempre
  • 4 Unicast Server DNS
  • 1 zona DNS
  • 50 Record DNS
  • 500K Query DNS al mese
  • 1 Mail forward
  • DNS dinamico
  • 24/7 Live chat support
Iscriviti gratuitamente
Premium DNS
A iniziare da:
  • Tutte le funzionalità gratuite ed estese
  • +4 Server premium Anycast
  • More zones, records, queries and mail forwards
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 1,000% Uptime SLA
  • A partire da $2.95/mese
Confronta piani
Protezione DDoS attiva DNS
A iniziare da:
  • Tutte le funzionalità gratuite ed estese
  • +4 Server protetti con Anycast
  • More zones, records and mail forwards
  • Unlimited queries per month
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 10,000% Uptime SLA
  • A partire da $5.95/mese
Confronta piani
A iniziare da:
  • 4 Anycast DNS servers
  • Conveniente. Nessun costo nascosto.
  • Opzioni di destinazione di geolocalizzazione multipla
  • Supporto EDNS-client-subnet
  • Protezione DDoS attiva
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Free zones migration
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Live chat support
  • 10,000% Uptime SLA
  • A partire da $9.95/mese
Confronta piani

Benefits of Domain Parking service

Having a domain name is an essential part of creating an online presence, but what do you do if the website isn't ready yet? Domain Parking might be the perfect solution! It allows you to reserve a domain name while you are developing a website. Furthermore, it offers numerous additional benefits:

Easy Setup

Parking domains only require a little technical knowledge and can be easily set up without programming or coding skills.


Parking domains help to protect your brand from hijacking and cybersquatting. It also prevents someone from registering your name as a domain and using it for their own benefit.

Generate Income

Domain parking can help generate additional revenue as it can be used to display text or links to related websites.

Supporto 24/7

The ability to receive guidance and help from client service is an added bonus. ClouDNS provides technical support every time you need any further assistance.

How to set it up step-by-step?

  1. Create a customer account: Registrati and select a “Parked zone” in the DNS Hosting section (Create zone) on Dashboard.
  2. Type the domain name you want to park. Select the nameservers and the domain name you wish to park.
  3. Change visual settings. Change how your parked domain page would look from the options.
  4. Add content: Аs an additional option, you can generate content such as affiliate links on the domain landing page or any other text you want to display.
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