Server DNS Privat

Server DNS Privat merupakan layanan penuh DNS white-label. Saat Anda mendapatkan server DNS Privat, akan ditautkan dengan jaringan dan antarmuka web kami. Server akan dikelola dan didukung oleh administrator sistem kami dan Anda akan dapat mengelola semua domain Anda melalui antarmuka web kami. Setiap server DNS Privat sudah menyertakan:

  • Semua fitur Premium - Manajemen TTL, DNS Sekunder, Domain cloud, DNS Dinamis, Pengaturan SOA, dan Statistik per jam
  • Zona DNS tak terbatas. Anda bisa host banyak zona DNS yang bisa ditangani server Anda. Akan dipantau 24x7 dan tim kami akan menghubungi Anda, jika batas server tercapai. Kami akan menyediakan informasi rinci (grafis dan log) dari pemantauan kami.
  • Record DNS tak terbatas. Anda bisa host banyak record DNS yang bisa ditangani server Anda. Akan dipantau 24x7 dan tim kami akan menghubungi Anda, jika batas server tercapai. Jika Anda butuhkan, kami akan menyediakan informasi rinci (grafis dan log) dari pemantauan kami.
  • Hanya lokasi yang Anda butuhkan. Tidak perlu memiliki 10 atau lebih server DNS Privat, Anda bisa membeli server DNS Privat hanya di lokasi dekat pelanggan Anda.
  • Anda bisa membeli server DNS Privat dengan sumber daya yang sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Tidak perlu membayar dukungan, administrasi sistem, dan hardware yang tidak Anda butuhkan.
  • Semua server DNS Privat dikelola dan didukung oleh tim kami. Semua fitur dan fungsi sistem kami akan dimanfaatkan untuk server privat Anda.
  • Server DNS Privat memiliki alamat IP khusus dan record PTR. Bisa digunakan untuk layanan DNS white label untuk reselling.
  • API HTTP kami bisa digunakan untuk integrasi total dengan sistem Anda
  • Waktu pengiriman satu hari kerja

Benefits of using a Private DNS server

The Private DNS server comes with a lot of benefits, and once you start using it, you will be able to take advantage of them. So, let's briefly introduce you to the main and most important benefits that a Private DNS server provides:

Premium DNS features

With every Private DNS server, you are able to utilize all of the features available in the Premium DNS plans. For instance, you can use advanced services like Dynamic DNS, Secondary DNS, and TTL management. Moreover, your Private DNS server is going to be managed and supported by our experienced and professional system administrators. On the other hand, you can access it via our web interface, where you have the ability to manage your collection of domain names easily.

DNS records and DNS zones

The great thing about a Private DNS server is that it allows you to create and host as many DNS zones as your server can handle. So if that is one of your top requirements, you should definitely invest in such a server. Once the limit is reached, you will be notified and informed in detail. You can create numerous and various different DNS record types too. That gives you the ability to configure your DNS exactly as you want it.

Cost-effective solution

A Private DNS server is an affordable and practical decision because you pay only for resources that match your needs. You are not required to spend any extra for features that you won't actually use. Additionally, your expenses are only for Private DNS servers in locations that are near to your clients. So, that way, it perfectly fulfills your needs at a reasonable price!

Alternative of Private DNS server

Although Private DNS is a very efficient and cost-effective solution, it is not suitable for every type of customer. If you manage many domains and are looking for a profitable solution, then Private DNS is just for you. But, if you don't manage a massive number of domains, a more cost-effective solution for you would be to take advantage of our Anycast DNS service with Dedicated IPs. It will provide you with great speed, redundancy and security!

Anycast DNS + Dedicates IPs

Take advantage of all the benefits that our Anycast DNS network offers!

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